As a psychologist, a scientific-practitioner, imagine my surprise when a parade of new clients arrived at my door and stated that they were referred to me by their Astrologer. Who? Huh? What?
Most of them are very knowledgeable about Astrology and speak that language fluently. Sometimes they will share their chart with me that looks like something from an ancient alchemical manuscript. They start by describing their chart in astrological terms saying something like, “Well, unfortunately, I have a lot of air in my chart with no earth, and my mother is in my first house with no sun. (This isn’t accurate or exactly what they say, I’m just doing my best to demonstrate what this language sounds like, and remember, I do not know anything about astrology, so astrology experts, forgive me.)
As I have said, I do not understand what any of this means, but then they’ll say something like, “So therefore my mother preferred my brother to me.” Oh, so that’s why they were referred. That’s all I needed to hear, and I know exactly where to begin. This client is here because “they’re not good enough” a common negative core belief that EMDR reconciles. Perfect, let’s get to work.
I might add, the clients she sends are very open to EMDR and to the process of change. They are a pleasure to work with as they are very committed and courageous in this work.
These clients catch on quickly to my astrological ignorance and often invite me to learn about it. They recommend books and bring me handouts. They are very kind, wanting me to explore that world, but I usually say I have my hands full with psychology and theology; I do not need any more “ologies” in my life at this time.
I do have a new, albeit cautious, respect for Astrology and especially the Astrology Ms. Leslie McGuirk practices, which seems to be extraordinarily accurate in diagnosing a need that EMDR can heal. After so many referrals, I met with her, and she explained a little about what she does. She explained, “I don’t tell the future. I just need to know the place, time, and date of birth of the person, and I go to work. I only see them once. Many times I don’t even meet them, it’s all done by telephone.” “It’s a one-time thing. I would never read a chart and start telling people what to do tomorrow or next year; that’s not what I do.”
Ms. Leslie McGuirk is a nationally known Astrologer if you would like to know more about her and her work see her blog at She has a new book that will be out soon. See details on her site. Also, she has agreed to do a guest blog to explain a bit more about why she feels EMDR is a wonderful adjunct to her astrological work so stay tuned.